Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are you are hedgehog or a fox?

Influenced by the best seller Good to great by Jim Collins.

"The fox knows a little about many things, but the hedgehog knows only one big thing very well. The fox is complex; the hedgehog simple. And the hedgehog wins." - Jim Collins

The idea of being a hedgehog refers to having a clear focus of what we are doing. The focus here is explained by
a single central and coherent idea/ concept that more or less describes connections and the principles as to how the organization can become the best.

(Jim Collins describes this as the intersection of the three circles, what we can be the best at?, what drives our economic engine? and what we are deeply passionate about?)

And once found we become systematic and consistent with it and get rid of all "irrelevant" activities that does not fit in to our core hedgehog idea. For example we should re-evaluate our activities to see whether they are connected to our core vision or the central idea that we are pursuing... Which ever is not should directly go in to our "NOT to do list". Save that time, effort and money to invest in the areas that directly contribute to our hedgehog idea.

At the national planning process we wanted to make sure that AIESEC in Sri Lanka finds it clear focus for the term 09/10. We identified our priorities based on a clinical analysis of cause and effect. We brought the core ideas as national initiatives where both LCs and MC are synergetically contributing. We identified MC scoreboard items (MC priorities) to leverage national priority areas.

So now it comes down to being ever so disciplined to go ahead and do what it takes to make it happen. We are counting on you!!!


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